Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Partiers are Old, Rich White Dudes? I'm Shocked.

So, a poll conducted by the venerable New York Times (I love being able to use the word "venerable") and CBS News is aiming to show the demographics of the "Tea Party". They like to proclaim that they are "of the people" and try to make out that they are the voice of the blue collar workers tired of having Evil "Big Government" take all of their money and redistribute it. So in other words, they don't like Robin Hood. This makes them what? The Sheriff of Nottingham? I'm just sayin' is all...

Anyway, despite what they would have you believe, the new poll shows that the 18% of Americans who say they are supporters of the Tea Party tend to be older than 45, male, married, white and Republican. WHAAAAT? Sorry, did my eyes just roll into the back of my head? I'll try to stop that.

More than half of the Tea Partiers believe that the current administration's policies favour the poor instead of the rich or middle class. It's also worth noting that 25% believe that the administration's policies favour blacks, rather than whites. Oh yeah, I forgot about that "Blacks can't be charged for armed robbery: they're just giving themselves a step up" Bill.

Ninety-two percent believe that Obama is heading the US towards socialism. On a related note, the Times failed to mention the percentage of those who could actually give the proper definition for socialism.

“I just feel he’s getting away from what America is,” said Kathy Mayhugh, 67, a retired medical transcriber in Jacksonville. “He’s a socialist. And to tell you the truth, I think he’s a Muslim and trying to head us in that direction, I don’t care what he says. He’s been in office over a year and can’t find a church to go to. That doesn’t say much for him.”(from the Times article)
Oh, and while they are against Evil Big Government, they don't want Medicare or Social Security cut.

Yep, these are definitely the people I want running the country two hours away from me. Yep.

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