Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mr. Rogers is EVIL???

I must thank Roger Ebert (whose Tweets I enjoy mightily @ebertchicago ) for pointing this out to me. It's apparently an oldie, but still amusingly asinine, clip from good ol' Fox News.

Yes, it's Mr. Rogers' fault that the current generation has a sense of entitlement. God forbid anyone think that they're special just because of who they are. Just wait until you see the response from "Nancy" in Tallahassee. Apparently it's not just Mr. Rogers who ruined children's lives!


  1. Ah Fox news...bringers of such classics as "Canadian are lazy no goodnicks","Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden"...and "The Iraqi wars...Part 1 and 2"

    I cannot believe this passes for news...Hell I cannot believe this passes for entertainment...What's next fox? You going to Target Jerry Lewis for telling his kids they are special too? Back to NBC, ABC and CBS for real news!

  2. They're kidding, right...? Not every child watched Mr. Rogers (although I'm sure a good majority of them did), but how can they honestly say that one television program changed the perspective of an entire generation...?
    I wonder who's next on the chopping block... Dora? Diego? Paublo?
