Sunday, April 18, 2010

I Probably Shouldn't Find This So Funny...

I actually can't stop laughing, though. The Typo That Pulped 7,000 Books has me absolutely cracking up. I'm sure that there are those out there who will think I'm horrible for laughing so much over this, but honestly, if it was white pepper I'd be laughing just as hard.

7,000 cookbooks are being reprinted by Penguin Group Australia because a pasta recipe was printed that contained the line “salt and freshly ground black people.”

Come on - it's funny! I can understand why the publishers are so upset that it's getting publicity, though. I mean honestly, haven't we all had spell-check screw with us? Yes, the proofreader should have caught it, but the proofreader is human. I seriously doubt it was intentional.

So go ahead: laugh with me. You'll feel better.

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